Muscle and Strength pyramide
2 min

Muscle and Strength pyramide

I can't tell you how proud we are to have been asked by Espen to work with the AFPT in sharing the content of these books with you.
Publisert: 14.01.2016

I can't tell you how proud we are to have been asked by Espen to work with the AFPT in sharing the content of these books with you.

A few years ago I saw a need for a system that comprehensively covered the big picture of nutritional strategies, approaches, and theories for people interested in muscle and strength development. This decision was spurred by my years of experience working with individuals who wanted to improve their physiques through the manipulation of weight training and nutrition, but who all seemed to be lacking the same understanding of context and who were all plagued by black and white thinking.

Without fail, something that I have learned from consulting with people is that the reason they aren’t getting to where they want to be is because they don’t have a system. They don’t have an understanding of prioritization, and they can’t differentiate between big rocks and pebbles. I think that honestly, the fitness industry as a whole needs to take responsibility for this lack of awareness.

I wish there were a strong organization like the AFTP in the US, UK and Japan committed to providing such high quality education materials to their students - the industry would be a much better place. Just the fact that you have decided by your own volition to start the path to broadening your knowledge about the training and nutrition tells me you are the kind of person geared for future success in this industry, and frankly, I think the large take up rate of continuing education in your country says a lot about Norway as a whole.

We released these books in December, and the reception has been positive beyond our wildest expectations. Consider us honored to be a part of your journey. These books will give you a solid grounding in the often missed basics of what is important and what isn't, and we hope they can help you on the path to developing your own ways of doing things.

The more you learn, the less you will feel you actually know. Get used to that feeling, embrace it, and good luck to you in your careers as personal trainers and coaches.

Eric, Andy and Andrea.

Publisert: 14.01.2016 KL. 11:29
Kategori: Tips og Kuriosa
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