En facebookstatus fra Alan Aragon
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En facebookstatus fra Alan Aragon

Ernæringsfysiolog Alan Aragon med noen oppklaringer på myter
Publisert: 09.04.2014

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Jeg har lenge fulgt Alan og har lest bøker og artikler han har skrevet i flere år. For litt over et halvt år siden var jeg også på hans første konferanse i Europa, og nærmere bestemt i London. Her holdt han et todagers kurs som het Alan Aragon UK Conference. I etterkant av dette møtet fikk foreleser i AFPT, Benjamin Christensen og jeg et bidrag til den siste boken vår av samme person.

For litt siden la Alan ut en veldig god status på facebook med noen oppklarende uttalelser og referanser. Ta en titt (og følg med på han på nettet, du vil ikke angre).

"Hey everyone, I was recently tagged in a video post by a figure competitor who made some very 1990's-ish claims. She told her audience that everyone needs to eat clean meals every two hours to speed up their metabolisms, avoid blood sugar crashes, and control appetite. No big deal, but what really bugged me is when she specifically told people to FORCE these meals down – regardless of hunger or fullness – in order to keep the metabolism revving.

I posted in that thread a few times, attempting to engage her learning response. Nothing. Plenty of other folks were sincerely trying to help her get more educated. Can you guess what happened next? She deleted the thread. I got several messages from people who were pissed that the huge thread was gone, along with all the good links in it. Here's the cool thing, I made sure I saved my lengthiest post. I had a sneaking suspicion that the thread might detonate once it was not going her way. Here it is for anyone who was enjoying that discussion:

For the lurkers, here's a little 101, just the tip of the iceberg:

1) Smaller, more frequent meals do not speed metabolism compared to the same total calories & macros consumed in larger, less frequent meals. Objective research has shown this repeatedly in tightly controlled, opinion-free conditions:
Link 1
Link 2

2) Smaller, more frequent meals are not reliably more effective than larger, less frequent meals when it comes to controlling appetite and blood sugar. Again, don't take my word for it, look at the scientific evidence:

Link 1

3) "Clean" is a misleading term. It's what launched the fat-free, cholesterol/sat-fat-phobia that plagued the 80's & 90's & actually contributed to the horrendous prevalence of beetus & obesity today. There are still bodybuilders who avoid perfectly nutritious foods that they feel are not "clean" enough, yet they're fine with downing a glowing-green proprietary blend of stims that's chock-full of human-engineered ingredients, then slamming an empty-calorie carb supp after training. The irony is exquisite... Here's my article on clean eating – please give it a read. This topic can't be summed up in a soundbite.

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- Alan Aragon"

Publisert: 09.04.2014 KL. 06:00
Kategori: Tips og Kuriosa
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